game launcher & game updates 1

alright let’s get down to the nitty gritty.

we’re doing a game launcher. probably the worst decision, but spending $100 for each product we want to push to steam (and then another $100 for epic games lol). for now we’re gonna do our own launcher that’ll host all of our games in it.

mekafighters update: in the last post we had talked about implementing dedicated servers for mekafighters. this is still ongoing and we’re almost there and there’s another thing we’re gonna do for it. we’re going to focus solely on the One versus One gamemode and will not focus on anything else (such as Two versus Two or Three versus Three). we were going to make mekas that were going to be more involved in those modes (but still be able to be played solo) but we’re changing the way they are so that the One versus One is purely skill based.

subdivision update: we’re still needing to work on maps for it and are getting there slowly. we’re going to aim to launch with three maps for this and are debating on the monetization model. players will be able to use various game server hosts to either host their games or have the ability to do it themselves with linux server binaries provided via the steam client or steamcmd

asymmetrical game is in the early works, with me focusing mainly on the server tech behind it as it will have dedicated servers from the get-go to ensure that we have an even-playing experience for all players and will have servers for players all across the globe. regular games just have like 8 servers for the entire world just isn’t fun for players who live far away from any of those servers and we’re looking to mitigate that a bit with the server tech we’re going to use.

1v1 game: this is still being concepted and will partially use the server tech above so that games are very even (in terms of latency) and one person won’t have an extremely major advantage.

another game! i’ve also been working on a game to play with friends that i’m simply calling MULTIPLAYER MODES for now. not creative at all, but we’ll get to that later. in this game you can either play with friends or join a random game through the lobby browser and play a bunch of games with friends and receive random rewards after playing!

we’re working hard to bring some cool stuff, so stick around and stay tuned.


austin โ™ฅ