new beginning

decided to redo the website from scratch and use an entirely new theme as well as integrate it more tightly into wordpress’ “blocks”. this should help me build out new sections of the website as i do improve upon it.

all the web pages will be coming up slowly, but will mostly be a bit more blank for the time being. they’re not my entire focus point, but the entire website is as well as the games i’m working on.

yes. i’m still doing things for mekafighters
no. it’s not cancelled. it will never be cancelled as i do have things i want to do on it, but it won’t be my 100% focus project.
yes. new content is coming. finally decided to work on grayson and bbx for a recap on who they are:

Grayson and BBX – The Bombardiers
Innate Abilities:
Bombardier (Meka Only) – Every few seconds, instead of shooting bullets, Grayson and BBX will instead shoot bombs that bounce up to 3 times or explode on contact with a Meka dealing 5% max health damage. For the duration that the bombs are being lobbed, Grayson and BBX have a much slower fire rate.

Enhancement Overload (Meka Only) – Jet Propulsion is replaced with Jet Profusion, allowing them to glide for a couple seconds instead of dashing in a forward direction.

Grayson – After casting BombaXplosion Time, you control Grayson. Grayson has these stats: 800 Health, Requires No Power to Shoot, 45 Damage, .36s attack rate. After 15s or when dealing at least 300 damage to any Meka, BombaXplosion Time is replaced with Call Down to call down a new BBX Unit to his location. Grayson plays from a first-person perspective. Grayson has 16 bullets in their BBX-75 Pistol before needing to reload. Grayson does not benefit from It’s Gonna Blow, Enhancement Overload, or Jet Propulsion when being controlled.

Rocket Boots (Grayson Only) – Grayson can jump extremely high into the air and when falling, Grayson can use their Rocket Boots to float down slowly.

Active Abilities:
BombaXplosion Time (Meka Only) – Grayson ejects themself from BBX and after a brief period of time, BBX explodes dealing 75% Max Health Damage to anyone, excluding Grayson, within a certain range. If BombaXplosion time is cast while using Jet Profusion, the Mekas distance it will cover is increased.

Call Down (Grayson Only) – Grayson calls down a brand new BBX Unit and then teleports inside of it, taking control of it and replacing their stats with those of the Meka.

apart from grayson and bbx, others are being worked on such as haruku and cvte, the adrenaline junkies; them and nnsmn, the demon mancers; and kaydin and sle, the nonpareil meka. i’ll try to get these out super fast and i’m unsure when these will be pushed but grayson will be the first of the bunch to come out. after i finish those bunches i will be looking to make some more mekas i have planned as time goes on.

i know mekafighters is still in early access and will still be in it until at least the next year or so and that’s definitely my fault. i’m working on it but i’m hoping to also work on 3v3’s and potentially another new gamemode. the 1v1 gamemode will forever be my focus to ensure things work properly and every mode after that is just for extra fun and take more work from me.

down the line i also plan on doing a UI passover on all the in-game elements to try to make it a bit more cohesive and understanding rather than just being a mess entirely.

thanks for reading and your patience.

cheers, austin

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